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Loving Learning Enjoying, Discovering, Growing, Together


Dear Parents,

It gives me great pleasure to write to you as the Headteacher of Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School and to introduce myself.  


I am passionate about education and have high expectations, not only for myself but for all members of our school community.


It is my firm belief that the relationship between home and school is vital for pupils to thrive and develop a love of learning alongside values for life. My aim, with support from the highly-skilled staff and Governors at Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School, is to continue to build on the strengths of our school and further develop the education we provide.


At Kingmoor we offer high quality teaching and excellent progress in a stimulating, caring learning community. We pride ourselves on being a friendly open school where all children try to do their best from the minute they enter school at three to when they leave for the Junior School aged 7.

We have 9 classes plus the nursery. Year groups work together and we retain a “small-school feel” that nurtures and supports all children while giving them access to the enriched experiences that only a larger school can offer. Each class is a vibrant exciting, learning centre where the children are challenged in a supportive, caring environment. We are proud of our school and the children’s academic and personal achievements. Mental Health and well-being is given high priority and we offer a range of support to families and children as well as it being central to our curriculum. We are proud of curriculum offer and the knowledge and experiences it provides. 


I would like to thank you personally for your continued commitment and support towards the staff and pupils of our school and we are looking forward to another exciting year ahead.



Yours faithfully


Mrs Nicky Corfield
Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School 

Loving Learning!

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