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Our Curriculum

We hope that the following pages are useful but if you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly. 

Our Whole School Curriculum

Our curriculum model was created jointly by staff and governors and shows how our Ethos and Vision links everything we do. Our curriculum is a knowledge-based, strategically planned, sequence of learning. 

Everything we do at Kingmoor Infants is underpinned by our desire for every child to have strong mental health and the tools they need for life long, secure mental health and well being. We pride ourselves in the high priority we give to mental health and wellbeing across our curriculum.

Children have a range of opportunities and experiences which enhance and enrich their learning. We believe this helps children to make connections between different areas of learning and allows us to deepen their understanding. 

Prerequisite substantive knowledge is the bedrock of our learning. Creative thinking makes up the disciplinary knowledge of our curriculum. 

This is the reasoning in Maths, the enquiry in Science. It is the tactics in Sport and the ability to lead a healthy life.

Our curriculum takes into account our children's prior experiences, culture, local surroundings and children's understanding of life in modern Britain. To see more about how we enrich our broad curriculum check out our newsletters (on sway or PDF) and our active facebook page 

Key Stage One

In Year One and Two we ensure coverage of the National Curriculum as a minimum. Our curriculum is knowledge and vocabulary rich, ambitious and pays attention to informed practice. We aim to provide a wealth of engaging and enriching opportunities to promote children's learning

Early Years Foundation Stage

In Nursery and Reception we ensure our curriculum meets the requirements of the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage 2021. In Nursery and Reception we use CUSP as our curriculum framework which identifies the knowledge we want children to know and remember. Our children build knowledge over the Nursery and Reception years to ensure they are ready to progress through the KS1 curriculum. 

The whole curriculum design project was completed in partnership with Kingmoor Junior School to ensure that our curriculum is based on a progressive framework from Nursery to year 6.   


(Our approach to the curriculum and how we are complying with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 about making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.)

The following principles inform and guide our policy and practice:   

  • Meeting the diverse and complex needs of each and every individual is embedded in everything that we do as a school   
  • It is the responsibility of KNIS to enable all children to access and make progress via the curriculum  
  • “Equal opportunities” is not the same as “Equal provision” and we adapt provision to ensure it meets the needs of our learners.
  • We aim to provide and happy and secure environment where all members of our school community respect and value each other and themselves. We promote equality and the creation of an environment which champions respect for all.

What is good provision for a child with SEND is good for all children, i.e. an abundance of activities that allow children to learn visually, through speaking and listening and kinaesthetically, using principles of Quality Teaching and by embedding the school Learning Powers across the curriculum. We respond to children’s diverse learning needs by being committed to removing barriers to learning and we do this by: 

  • Creating effective and interactive learning environments
  • Adaptations and scaffolding whilst ensuring progress and promoting independence. 
  • Using assistive technologies where appropriate 
  • Providing scaffolding to support children’s learning
  • Modelling activities / tasks 
  • Paired and collaborative work that is rich in discussion and reflection 
  • Use of encouragement and praise to motivate and develop self-image and esteem.
  • Using multi-sensory approaches 
  • Using visual cues to aid understanding 
  • Providing visual timetables to help with establishing routines
  • Pre-teaching key vocabulary to provide a ‘hook’ into teaching 
  • Looking at alternative methods for recording work 
  • Using metacognitive approaches so that children learn how they learn best and develop a range of tools to support them in approaching their work independently and confidently
  • Developing motivation and concentration through a stimulating curriculum
  • Using appropriate assessments to enable children to demonstrate what they can do, have learned and secure next steps in learning   
  • Teaching more able children with their own class and extending their learning, extra challenges and opportunities for independent learning.
  • Working closely with parents/carers to gain a thorough understanding of every child’s needs