Outdoor Learning
Here at Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School we believe that learning outdoors can be enjoyable, creative, challenging and adventurous and helps children and young people learn by experience and grow as confident and responsible citizens who value and appreciate the spectacular landscapes, natural heritage and culture.
All of our staff have undertaken Forest School training and children regularly visit the local woodlands and complete activities linked to the curriculum
The Benefits of Outdoor Play
Outdoor play improves physical development
Physical skills are important for growth, physical coordination and the movement of the body. When children play outdoors they increase their ability to balance, jump, climb, throw, run and skip.
Social development
Outdoor play provides children with the opportunity to gain social skills by interacting, collaborating and negotiating with others.
Increased Imagination
Being outdoors gives children the opportunity to pretend to be anything they want, for example, to be a bear in the wild or a chef in the kitchen.
Gain knowledge and appreciation for the natural world
Children learn about the natural elements and their surroundings when they are outside. For example, they learn about the weather, the change in seasons, and different animals that are found outside.
Nursery and Reception
Our EYFS area is very large and we have designed it to provide a wide range of opportunities for Physical Development and Imaginative Play.
We have a builder's yard with construction and large scale equipment. Elsewhere we have a tunnel, climbing frame, garden area and creative station. Our garden are includes areas with different surfaces for small world play eg under the sea, sand and snow.
The area includes a stream complete with a water wall which can be adjusted and experimented with. Our stream is great for building dams, different water pathways, making water flow fast/slow and general water play.
We also have a central courtyard in school called "The Jungle" which has been designed specifically to develop children's core strength and gross motor skills. All of children access it at various part of the day.
Our KS1 yard is a large open space on the other side of school and includes a seating area, all weather football area, grass spaces, playground and various climbing equipment. In the better weather we can use the Junior School's large playing fields for sporing activities.