At Kingmoor, we recognise that children are natural scientists, instinctively exploring the world around them from a very early age. The concepts that young children develop are based on first hand exploration, interacting with the physical environment.
We aim to foster this natural curiosity and so involve children in a wide range of activities which are practical, relevant and build on their previous knowledge. Using the CUSP Curriculum approach, we pay close attention to guidance provided by the National Curriculum sequence and content. It is infused with evidence-led practice and enriched with retrieval studies to ensure long-term retention of foundational knowledge.
The ambitious interpretation of the National Curriculum places knowledge, vocabulary, working and thinking scientifically at the heart of our principles, structure and practice. CUSP Science precisely follows the units outlined in the National Curriculum.
Through studying CUSP science, pupils become ‘a little more expert’ as they progress through the curriculum, accumulating, connecting and making sense of the rich substantive and disciplinary knowledge. High quality science teaching with adaptations to enable all learners to access the curriculum will be at the heart of Science at Kingmoor Nursery and Infants School.
Careful planning targets a progression in knowledge and working scientifically skills from nursery to Year 2. Working scientifically skills are: identifying and classifying, asking simple questions, observing closely using simple equipment, performing simple tests, using observations to suggest answers to questions as well as gathering and recording data.
Science-based learning in the Early Years is mostly encompassed within the ‘Understanding the World’ area of learning but other areas of learning also develop the working scientifically skills needed to become a confident scientist, e.g. developing explanations in ‘Communication and Language’, answering questions in ‘Communication and Language’’ or using tools in ‘Physical Development’. Characteristics of effective learning are of central importance, as good scientists need to be confident to play/explore, think critically and be active learners.
Year 1/ 2
In KS1, our CUSP Curriculum allows children to have a knowledge and vocabulary rich learning journey. By the end of KS1 we aim for the children to have an ambitious body of substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Our Science curriculum allows children to make links to everyday experiences and the environment around them. Our curriculum, gives all children the opportunity to be curious and question the world around them. They also develop observational skills and independence when carrying out experiments.
Children are encouraged to develop an awareness of and concern for their environment. Personalising and localising learning is important to building children’s science capital and we are lucky to not only have extensive school grounds that offer ample opportunity to study the local environment, but Kingmoor Nature Reserve is a dominant feature in our school community’s everyday life and so we can place it at the centre of our science learning to ensure an outstanding science school curriculum.
All children at Kingmoor will be prepared for life in this increasingly scientific world: having the foundational knowledge needed but also knowing they can ask questions and make changes in the wider world. Our aim is to inspire children to consider a future as a scientist; broadening students’ aspirations has to begin early as this is when children’s conceptions of science have been shown to form. We use the ‘Scientist Just Like Me’ STEM resource to show children a range of science jobs related to their current learning and shows children scientists from all walks of life. We participate in the Primary Engineer Competition which allows our children the opportunity to invent a real life solution to an everyday problem. We also bring cutting edge, current science into the classroom through sharing up to date science news within story times or appropriate times within the school day.
Mental Health and Well being
We use every aspect of our curriculum to promote positive mental health. Science gives us an opportunty to engage and interest children and to connect with the natural world. Physical health and mental wellbeing are interlinked, and it is important that pupils understand that good physical health contributes to good mental wellbeing, and vice versa. Practical work in science is used to support children to connect with each other as they collaborate and develop relationships.
- Children will have a clear understanding of the scientific processes behind the investigations. Children will know the correct terminology to discuss their observations.
- We will be able to see that the children know more and remember in more in Science, through evidence in their books and through discussions with children (pupil voice).
- We will also see they are able to recall prior learning and apply it. Children will then start their next year of learning with the necessary skills and knowledge to build upon