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Mental Health at Work

What’s in the Mental Health at Work Commitment?

The Commitment is made up of six standards, bringing together best practice from the UK’s top employers and experts.

They are:

  1. Prioritise mental health in the workplace by developing and delivering a systematic programme of activity.. If you want to make a long-term difference to employee wellbeing, single interventions aren’t enough. You need a wide-ranging plan.
  2.  Proactively ensure work design and organisational culture drive positive mental health outcomesWhat’s expected of your people? And where, when and how are they expected to do it? Nobody’s work is just a set of actions in a vacuum; we’re all affected by the behaviours, plans and environment around us. Thought about properly, these things can be a positive force for wellbeing.
  3. Promote an open culture around mental healthy By opening up conversations about mental health, and fostering a culture where employees feel they can seek support if they’re struggling, employers can play an integral role in keeping staff well.
  4. Increase organisational confidence and capability You never know when or where an opportunity to make a change, a request for help or a trigger for a conversation might spring up. So, people at all levels of an organisation have a role to play—and employers need to support them all in fulfilling it.
  5. Provide mental health tools and support One of the easiest ways to support employees is to make sure people are aware of the help, tools and services available to them. But it’s not just about signposting; leaders and managers should actively promote their use.
  6. Increase transparency and accountability through internal and external reporting An organisation’s staff team is one of its most important assets, so factors like wellbeing, engagement and retention are vital indicators of a company’s performance.