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Broad and Enriched

Our Curriculum is broad and exciting! Here are some examples

Growth and growing. Growing beans in our school garden!

NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe 

Amaven Challenge day!

Year One visit to Caerlaverock Bird Santuary.

Our Ambassadors represented school at the Civic Centre Cluster School Council meeting.

Some year 2 children gave a presentation to the Cumbria Schools Climate Change Summit. They were the youngest there.

Reception visited Croft Farm

Woodland Art on one of our Woodland Workshops.

Learning about different artists

Fairtrade Coffee morning for parents

Fire Fighter and apppliance visit to EYFS

Wheelchair basket ball!

Local Book Look! We hid lots for people to find too!

Raising money for Charity!

Road safety

Woodland workshops

Writing postcards to people in care homes

Dentist visit

Phunky Foods Familiy Workshop looking at healthy cooking

STEM familiy workshop with our STEM Ambassadors!

Year 2 visit to the War Museum

Health and Well being. Yoga, mindfullness and lots more