Maths Mastery
At Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School we want all pupils to develop a deep and secure conceptual knowledge of fundamental mathematical concepts. We want all pupils to enjoy their learning in maths and believe that all pupils can achieve.
We aim for all pupils to become strong mathematicians who can:
- Rapidly recall and apply mathematical knowledge fluently, including calculation strategies.
- Reason mathematically using precise mathematical vocabulary.
- Apply their knowledge and understanding of maths to solve problems.
In order to achieve these aims, we use a Mastery approach to teaching mathematics across the school. Our school works with the NCETM and NNW Maths Hub to support the implementation of the teaching for mastery programme (for more information about this, see our 'Excellence in Mathematics' page).
What is Maths Mastery?
Mastering maths means acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. Children who have mastered key concepts are then able to apply their knowledge to a new problem or unfamiliar situation.
The key ideas of this approach are:
- Success in maths is achievable by all – we have high expectations for all pupils and encourage a positive mind-set towards maths. Learning challenges are scaffolded and supported so that all pupils can make progress.
- Learning is deep – Lessons are taught in blocks of learning where significant time is spent fully exploring and applying key ideas and concepts.
- Learning is built upon and coherent – Pupils build on prior learning from the year before that has been sufficiently mastered.
- Reasoning and making connections – Pupils are taught to make connections and notice patterns between areas of learning and use precise mathematical language.
- Fluency– Children learn key number facts and times table facts so that they have an automatic recall.
- Representation - New mathematical concepts are taught using a broadly concrete, pictorial, abstract approach (CPA).
- Problem solving is central – Pupils can truly grasp a concept through investigating it in new, alternative and more complex ways through problem solving.
- Challenge through ‘Going deeper’ – Rather than accelerating onto new content, pupils are given tasks which challenge their thinking, deepen knowledge and improve reasoning.
Maths in KS1
Children are taught maths in blocks following the White Rose Maths schemes of learning throughout their time in Key Stage 1. Each block is adapted to suit the needs of our pupils and it aims to ensure that all pupils gain a deeper understanding of the taught content.
Children explore maths using a broadly CPA approach to learning:
- Concrete – Exploring concepts practically using manipulatives.
- Pictorial – Drawing and investigating representations of mathematical concepts.
- Abstract – Using formal mathematical representations and symbols.
This approach is not always linear and is used fluidly to best support the changing needs of our pupils.
Maths in Early Years
In Reception there are two Early Learning Goals for Maths which are 'Number' and 'Shape, Space and Measure'. Teachers follow the White Rose Maths schemes of learning for EYFS and NumberBlocks. Pupils are introduced to maths concepts through whole class teaching, before moving on to teacher-led tasks and within the continuous provision.
In Nursery children learn through playing and exploring, active learning experiences and creating and thinking critically. Pupils develop mathematics through Number and Shape, Space and Measure. Children have access to both the indoor and outdoor learning environment where children can explore and learn through play. The children’s interests are a powerful catalyst for mathematical enquiry and adults in school scaffold and support children’s play, mathematical interests and thinking through collaborative dialogue. Highly skilled staff create opportunities to develop mathematical concepts and the associated language through daily routines. Giving learners a chance to understand it while using real-life concepts. It also means that children can consolidate what they have learned and practice. In Nursery pupils have access to daily directed adult input in mathematics through key person sessions.
Pupils in both Reception and Nursery are taught the following key skills;
- Fluency- children learn and remember basic number facts such as 1 and 4 make 5.
- Representing Numbers and recognising amounts – children use different objects and pictures to represent a number in many different ways.
- Counting - saying one number for each object, knowing the final number is how many altogether and counting objects in any order.
- Subitising- being able to look at a group of objects and realise how many there are without counting.
- Reasoning – opportunities to explain what has happened and why, true or false activities.
- Problem Solving – allowing children to seek solutions, considering the best approach to use. This might involve; spotting patterns, estimating, predicting and finding many different ways to do things.
The 5 Big Ideas - Teaching for Mastery
We have carefully identified the Declarative, Procedural and Conditional knowledge we want children to know. This an example for Addition and Subtraction.
In addition to this we have identified the knowledge progression for Counting and Place value, fractions, Interpreting data, Measurement, Multiplication and Division facts, position and Direction, Shape and their properties.
We have carefully identified the Declarative, Procedural and Conditional knowledge we want children to know
For more information about Maths Mastery have a look at: